Smokeless, Odorless, Sparkless. High Heat, Long Burn, White Ash, High Strength

About Us is a leading manufacturer and exporter of 100% coconut shell charcoal briquettes, from Indonesia.

We control every step of the manufacturing and quality control process of our briquettes, from coconut shell selection, cleaning and carbonization all the way through to final briquetting, drying and packaging. Our production locations are situated in all the major coconut harvesting regions of Indonesia in Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi.

We supply coconut shell charcoal briquettes in bulk and can ship to any destination worldwide. We can produce briquettes in any desired shape or size and tailor make packaging according to our customers exact design preferences.




We are proud to be environmental friendly company that produces clean, green (eco-friendly) and great products.
Our products are 100% natural based on coconut shell.


Last longer than regular charcoal


Odor-free, No sparks, No sulfur



No trees were cut in the making of this product


100% Natural coconut shell charcoal

Coconut charcoal from indonesia

Good Quality

Coconut Shell Charcoal

Coconut Shell Charcoal

Oven / Drying


Cutting the Briquette

Raw Material StocK

Crushing Coconut Shell Charcoal

Our Amazing Clients

We work with many customers and supply the product for the customers using their own private label, brands, packaging, specifications, and formula. We are proud to be the manufacturer of some popular brands in the world market of charcoal and briquette. Some of our valuable customers are from U.S, Germany, Austria, Jordan, Brazil, turkey, Saudi, Iraq, UK, Dubai, India and many more.

Our Clients Believe in Us

What They Are Saying

We're on Whatsapp at the number below too!

Let's Get in Touch.

Should you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward of having a new business relationship with you.


contact us today

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